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Minimalism, a new philosophy of life.

What is minimalism ?

It is a "lifestyle in which you limit what you own to the absolute minimum you need to live. "

Born in Japan, we see an emergence of this philosophy of life throughout the world which advocates "less" but "better".

Fumio Sasaki is one of the leaders of this new lifestyle. In fact, he has published a book called Goodbye things (W. W. Norton & Company, 2017). It is a manifesto that details his minimalist experience and introduces the reader to this practice.

Overconsumption has been the trigger for many new followers. A desire to go back to basics, to thoughtful, reasoned and sustainable consumption, a way to get rid of that mental load related to the surplus of materials and choices.

What are the benefits ?

Keeping only what is essential to our daily lives allows us to recharge our batteries, to no longer be subject to the hazards of fashion, to improve our concentration, to save time and money, to take care of the planet, to give more value to our well-being, to feel free and peaceful.

Quartier Libre gives you some tips on how to get started with minimalism :

- Get information from specialized books on the subject,

- Adopt a gentle and progressive change,

- Take stock of your current consumption habits,

- Tidy up and sort your things,

- Sell what is no longer useful,

- Borrow rather than buy,

- Prioritize quality over quantity.

To your closet ! ;)


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