Sleep is an extremely important part of your daily life.
It helps to refuel energy, reduce stress and avoid certain diseases.
Adults sleep an average of 8 hours per night, but this does not necessarily represent everyone's needs. The amount of sleep required varies from one individual to another depending on various factors (genes, age, physical condition, etc.).
How does sleep work ?
There are several key steps between falling asleep and waking up.
The different steps are as follows :
Stage 1 : Falling asleep, halfway between wakefulness and sleep. This cycle lasts a few minutes.
Stage 2 : Light sleep, you are asleep. This cycle represents half of your night.
Stage 3 : Deep slow wave sleep. As its name indicates, you are sleeping intensely. Your body is recharging its batteries and strengthening its immune system, it is difficult to wake up.
Stage 4 : REM sleep, the essential phase for restful sleep. This is the cycle during which we dream.
All of these stages constitute a sleep cycle that generally lasts between 90 and 100 minutes.
Sleep becomes qualitative only if the different cycles follow each other harmoniously. If this is not the case, you risk having sleep disorders.
Quartier libre gives you some tips to improve your sleep :
- Stop looking at screens at least one hour before going to bed,
- Avoid practicing sports in the evening,
- Reduce noise and light in the room as much as possible,
- Sleep in a room with a cool temperature around 18 degrees,
- Take advantage of a week's break to calculate the ideal sleep time by noting every day for a week the length of a night without waking up in the morning,
- Do not consume stimulating drinks after 4:00 pm (coffee, tea, energy drinks, etc.),
- Go to bed at the first signs of fatigue to avoid missing your cycle,
- Try to keep regular hours of getting up and going to bed,
- Have relaxing activities before going to sleep, such as reading or meditation.
If you still can't get a good night's sleep, you should consult a sleep specialist.
Have sweet dreams !
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