You are addicted to your smartphone, you are stressed, overwhelmed and you juggle between appointments ? Maybe it's time to adopt the slow life.
How this concept was born ?
This concept was born in 1986 in Italy after questioning the expansion of fast food and junk food. It is a real manifesto against the degradation of taste, the homogenization of food and the impact of this process on agriculture.
This new movement was led by Carlo Petrini, who campaigned against the opening of a MacDonalds in the center of Rome, a cultural and historical city.
The "Slow Food" movement was then born and gathered more and more followers all over the world.
This movement has quickly spread to other areas, so we see the appearance of "slow fashion", "slow travel" ...
What exactly is this new way of living?
Today's society is based on the fact that speed is indicative of performance.
The slow life invites us to slow down, to refocus on ourselves and our deepest needs.
It preaches gentleness, self-love, the reappropriation of one's time and kindness.
We are far from imagining the benefits it can have on our physical and mental health in the long term.
It is not a question of revolutionizing one's daily life but of putting in place small habits that will allow one to gently modify one's anchored reflexes and way of functioning.
Quartier Libre gives you some advice to adopt this art of living...
- Take time for yourself
- Reconnect with nature
- Give priority to quality over quantity
- Learn to say no
- Practice a relaxing activity (meditation, yoga...)
- Indulge yourself without feeling guilty
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